Saturday, April 15, 2017

10 Things to Consider When Choosing a Location for Your Business

Before you start shopping for business space, you need to have a clear picture of what you must have, what you’d like to have, what you absolutely won’t tolerate and how much you’re able to pay. Developing that picture can be a time-consuming process that's both exciting and tedious, but it’s essential you give it the attention it deserves. While many startup mistakes can be corrected later on, a poor choice of location is sometimes impossible to repair.

Be systematic and realistic as you consider the following 10 location points.

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

A Startup's Guide to Micro-influencers

Celebrity influence doesn’t come cheap. Macro-influencers with massive followings could probably get away with charging two months’ payroll to promote awareness of your brand among their millions of followers. But, take heart: Set your sights a bit lower and you'll be able to widen your reach and get better uptake for less money.
First, understand who micro-influencers are: the everyday social account gurus who are passionate about their topics.